Our Services Help You

Brave Cities has three core services that help you along the way: Personalized Coaching, Online Community, and In-Person Training. These services are our sweet spot and reach you where you're at, taking you to that next level. If at any point you feel like you could use a discovery call to see how we can help you more, you can schedule it here.

Personalized Coaching

Its easy to find information, newsletters, podcasts or the Brave City Book. We try to offer most of these for free. Once you’ve paroused the ideas and want to move to action we are here for you. Our highest calling is to help existing and future practitioners move into building kingdom ecosystems. Because your and our time is the highest commodity, we offer real time and just in time coaching. In other words we don’t think it's worth your money to sign up for a monthly phone call. Instead we provide directive coaching when you need it for as long or short as you need. We simply charge $5 per minute and we’ll cut to the chase to hone in on what you need. We’ve got 20 years experience leading every aspect of kingdom ecosystem development and if we can’t help you we’ll quickly connect you with one our partners who can.

We know what it’s like to be on the ground practitioners. To feel the weight of apostolic movement and prophetic longing for the lost and the poor in your city. We also know what it’s like to feel alone in this work. What we want to offer is real time, in the grind coaching, consulting and even counseling for the pioneers and practitioners that are out there risking it. Whether you’re fresh in the work or a seasoned veteran, having a lifeline to call on when your backs against the wall or you just need someone to process with can be a game changer.

Get Personalized Coaching

Friends, the simple difference between those that accomplish dreams and visions is whether or not you have experiences guides to keep you moving. If you want to see a Brave City built, make the first move and schedule a time to let us hear your vision.

Unlike most coaching that takes a length of time to help you discover wisdom for the journey, our coaching style is more directive. We’ve lived and experiences almost everything related to where you want to go. Thus our coaching is more directive and designed to save you time and pain. Consider us like a brave city sherpa. We’ll carry some of the load simply by having been up the mountain before, many times. We’ll talk along the way and as we see you carrying more than you should or not enough, we’ll guide you. Our coaching is on time, based on what you are experiencing so start with us anytime you’re ready to start the journey.

If you are a church planter, business entrepreneur, or even a pastor looking for a way to start a kingdom ecosystem from scratch or finding some brave city nuances you can use to begin to shift your present church or business experience and offerings, give us a try.

Simply click here to schedule a time with Taylor or Hugh, you can specify or just pick a time and one of us will contact you.

Online Community

The best value we can offer is our online community. We have those looking into brave cities through our 6 week foundations Learning Community and our 6 month learning community. Both go through Brave Cities content but the 6 month LC is for those beginning to put concepts to practice. What we’ve also found is that once you’re in, you will tend to stay in. Brave Cities will be an ongoing, growing community of stories, processes and practices and as you stay in your be learning from this vast practitioner family.

Join Our Community

Regardless of whether you enroll in the 6 week, 6 month or global partner cohort, this is the only network we know that combines kingdom enterprise, justice works, intentional neighborhood development and church practices. If you are trying to figure out how all this comes together and where to start or focus, don’t sit on it anymore. Come join us!

In the Brave Cities Foundations Learning Community Taylor and Hugh will be providing a one hour overview of the foundations of a Brave City and the nuances of a brave city. Each one hour session will be mostly live content with 20 minutes of Q & A at the end. These occur once a quarter and are 6 consecutive weeks at 2:30 pm CST.

In the Brave Cities 6 Month Learning Community Hugh & Taylor will be offering a monthly 90 minute session covering all key elements, nuances and personal leadership issues related to guiding a brave city. This 6 month session is for those starting or actively involved in seeing a kingdom ecosystem happen. This course also allows you up to two coaching calls with Taylor or Hugh during the 6 month process. These session will be at 2:30-4:00pm CST.

The Brave Cities Global LC is for those leading a brave city. This monthly group session is mostly story, connecting, shepherding and caring for the heart of apostolic leaders. If you are in at this level you know that you have real time access to all the members in the BC Global Community so this monthly time will be a great way to stay encouraged, trained, and find a home for your story.

Our Next Online Community

All online learning communities will begin in January of 2024. Please let us know if you'd like to join the waiting list for the Brave Cities introductory course 6 weeks or the 6 month LC for practitioners.

In-Person Training

Besides the coaching a learning communities, we have found the most transformative moments happen when you see a brave city in its context. We have sites around the country that partner with us and who embody the brave city foundations and nuances and we welcome you for an onsite visit to one or more of these sites.

Most Brave City partner sites offer half and full day immersions where you can scratch and sniff a bit. In most cases you’ll get to meet the leaders in their context and hear the story personally. The onsite in person training options are the best way to fire questions at actual practitioners who can share the real life stories, both successes and failures so you can learn and maybe avoid some common pitfalls.

Receive On-Site Training

If on-site training is the right thing for your church, sign up for a discovery call with our team today and begin the process of discovering how on-site training can help you, your community, and your city, be brave.